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Organization and Management Questions, May, 2012

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Banking Diploma Examination— May, 2012
[N.B. - The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions.]

1. a) Define an organization and state why management is essential for any organization.
Narrate the characteristics of good management.        
'Management is situational'.
'Management is universal'.
Explain how both of the above statements are true.     

2. a) Define concept, principle and theory.        
Distinguish between the science of management and the art of management. 
State the management principles as enunciated by Henri Fayol.        

3. a) Define organizational behavior and state its importance. 
Discuss the various roles played by managers.   
Discuss the three types of skills essential for managers.

4. a) Define productivity.   
What benefits may you get for your organization from labour productivity? -        
What do you understand by benchmarking, outsourcing and CAD/CAMS?     

5. a) What is leadership?   
"All managers are leaders but all leaders are not managers." Do you agree? Justify your
c) What are the major findings of the Michigan and Ohio State Studies of leadership behavior?

6. a) State the bases of motivation.
Explain the importance of personality in individuals motivation.
Discuss the expectancy model of motivation      

7. a) Define stress.  
b) Identify the causes of stress in your organization and state how you can manage it.      
c) Discuss the "Big Five" model of personality.    

8. a) What is job satisfaction?      
b) State why it is considered as an important dependent variable in an organizational behavior model.  
c) Give your opinion about the relationship between job satisfaction of employees and
their productivity.    

9. a) What is management by objectives?
Discuss the process of MBO.        
Discuss the applicability of MBO in Banking operation. 

10. a) Define co-ordination.         
Distinguish between line and staff position.        
Discuss the reasons for delegation of authority. 
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