Showing posts with label SME and Consumer Banking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SME and Consumer Banking. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

SME and Consumer Banking Question Paper, June-2013

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Banking Diploma Examination, June, 2013
SME & Consumer Banking (SME)
Time-3 hours
[NB.—The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer any five questions.]

1.      Write short notes on any four of the following :—
a. Break-even Point;
b. Net Present Value (NPV);
c. Consumer Banking;
d. Cash-flow Analysis;
e. Venture Capital
f. Equity Entrepreneurship Fund (EEF).

2.     (a) Discuss the importance of SME in economic development of Bangladesh.
(b) Discuss the role of SME Foundation in SME development in the country.

3.     (a) What are the existing sources and areas of SME financing in Bangladesh?
(b) How would you identify and select entrepreneurs for       financing a SME project? Discuss.

4.     (a) Discuss the essentials of a business plan.
(b) Discuss the different cost elements of a SME project.    

5.     (a) What is meant by Project Appraisal?
(b) Discuss in details various aspects of a Project Appraisal.

6.     (a) 'Consumer Credit provokes inflation.' Do you agree with this statement? Discuss in the light of current monetary policy of Bangladesh Bank.
(b) SME is considered as an 'Employment Generating Machine.'-Explain this statement.

7.      Explain in details various methods of creating charge on securities.

8.     (a) What are the risks inherent in lending?
(b) Discuss the risk mitigation tools and techniques.

9.     (a)How would you assess the requirement of working capital of a SME project engaged in manufacturing?
(b) How a repayment schedule is prepared? Give an example.

10.     Discuss in details the procedures of loan recovery focusing on both legal and non-legal aspects.
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