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Organization and Management Questions, May, 2011

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Banking Diploma Examination— May, 2011
 [N.B. — all questions are of equal value. Answer any five questions.]

1.  a) what is meant by organizational behavior? Why is it necessary to study organizational behavior?
b)   What are the goals of organizational behavior?
c)    What are the factors influencing organizational behavior?

2. a) Define performance management.
b) Discuss the factors to be considered in performance management.
C) Discuss the role of a manager in performance management.

3. a) What is strategic planning? What are the steps in strategic planning?
b)   Discuss the good features of strategic planning.
c)   Conduct SWOT analysis of your chosen enterprise.

4. a) Discuss the purposes of control with a diagram.
b)   "Effective control depends upon good observation." Explain the statement.
c)   Distinguish between a programmed decision and a non-programmed decision.

5. a) What is meant by optimum span of supervision?
b)   What are the factors to be considered in determining the optimum supervision.
c)   Mention the merits and demerits of centralization.

6. a) What is E-Commerce? State its features.
b)   What is meant by on-line banking? State its merits and limitations.
c)   Discuss the future of a computer-based information system of a commercial bank.

7. a) What is leadership? What are the leadership traits?
b)   "All managers are leaders but all leaders are not managers." Explain the statement.
c)   What are the three of skills used by leaders?

8. a) What is orotanizaional behavior modification?
b)   What are the conditions for successful implementation of OB mod?
c)   Distinguish between positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.

9. a) Distinguish between the science of management and the art of management.
b) Define and give examples of concept, principle and theory.
c)    State the management principles as elven by Henri Fayol.

10. a) Define the following types of organization and the advantages and disadvantages of each of them:-
a) Functional departmentation;
b) Geographic departmentation;                               
c) Product departmentation;
d) Matrix departmentation.
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