In the words of R. Pal and J. S. Korlahalli "Office circulars are meant to convey some information to a large number of people. Such information are usually of general nature and not confidential."
Thus, office circular is a written method of exchanging information by which the written message of higher level are sent to lower level for their information. By means of an office circular many people are made informed of the same matter simultaneously. It is an important means of establishing written communication about 'official matters among the employees of an organization.
An office circular can be made to reach the concerned people in two ways— (i) hanging on the notice board and
(ii) distribution of copies of circular to the readers.
In many organizations a notice board is hung near the main gate used for entry or exit. Copies of the circular are hung on the board. Of course many organizations follow the practice of hanging circulars on notice board fixed on walls adjacent to different departments of the organization. Of course, where readers are more or numerous, many copies of office circular are distributed among the readers with or without their signature.
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