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Monday, November 16, 2015

Short Notes on Office order

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Office order is a means of internal communication within an organization. The term 'order' generally means telling subordinates to do or refrain from doing a specific job. But' passing an order high level executives want their subordinates carry out the order. When a message is conveyed as an order, it means that it carries a stamp of authority with it and has to be accepted. The high level executives circulate office order to the employees. Order is generally issued for posting of employees, promotion, suspension, transfer, and discharge from job, sanction or recession of yearly increment, imposing rules and regulations, enforcing certain rules or course of action etc.

An office order descends from the top of the organizational structure down to the employees for execution. Since office 'order is a formal course of action, it should preferably be written.

Office order is a sensible part of communication. Its subject matter should be well thought, organized, meaningful and attached with reasonable interpretation so that no unpleasant situation grows in the enterprise. It should be relevant, concise, and easy to understand and issued with proper authority and interpretation.
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Short Notes on Office circular

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Office circular means written communication to be moved within the organization. It is issued to make the people concerned informed of the general matters of the organization.

In the words of R. Pal and J. S. Korlahalli "Office circulars are meant to convey some information to a large number of people. Such information are usually of general nature and not confidential."

Thus, office circular is a written method of exchanging information by which the written message of higher level are sent to lower level for their information. By means of an office circular many people are made informed of the same matter simultaneously. It is an important means of establishing written communication about 'official matters among the employees of an organization.

An office circular can be made to reach the concerned people in two ways— (i) hanging on the notice board and 
(ii) distribution of copies of circular to the readers. 

In many organizations a notice board is hung near the main gate used for entry or exit. Copies of the circular are hung on the board. Of course many organizations follow the practice of hanging circulars on notice board fixed on walls adjacent to different departments of the organization. Of course, where readers are more or numerous, many copies of office circular are distributed among the readers with or without their signature.
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Short Notes on Annual General Meeting

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Every company limited by shares is required to hold a meeting with all of its shareholders once a year. Such a meeting is called annual general meeting. The first annual general meeting must be held within 18 months from the date of its incorporation. In the subsequent years the annual general meeting should be held at least once a year, but under emergency the gap between two annual general meetings may be upto 15 months. The annual general meeting carries important message to the shareholders. Usually its agenda includes declaration of dividend of shares appointment of auditor and fixation of his fees, approval of auditors report and audited accounts, approval of annual report, appointment of new directors where necessary etc.

The notice of the annual general meeting should be sent to the shareholders at least 14 days before the meeting. However, a notice of less than 14 days may be sent with the consent of all shareholders expected to remain present. The agenda of the meeting should be sent with the notice, For failure to convince the annual general meeting in time the company itself and every director liable for such failure may be fined upto Tk. 500/.
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Short Notes on Extra-ordinary Meeting

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Any general meeting convened in between two annual general meetings is called extra-ordinary meeting or extra-ordinary general meeting or emergency meeting. Usually such meeting is convened for discussing and resolving important and emergency topics. Exta-ordinary meeting can be convened by the directors or shareholders. It is generally convened for altering. any clause of Memorandum of Association (M/ A) or Articles of Association (A/A) change of share capital, removal of any director, alternation of the rights of debenture holders or for any fundamental change etc.

The owners of at least one-tenth of the paid up capital of the company may submit a prayer to the board of directors for an extra-ordinary meeting. The shareholders must state the reason of the meeting in the requisition letter and it must be signed by all of them and submitted in the company's registered office. Tice board of directors must convene the extra-ordinary meeting within 21 days from the submission of the requisition. On their failure the requisiteness themselves be able to convene the meeting. Of course, the meeting should be held within three months from the 'date of requisites will bear the same effects as it were convened by the board and all expenses will be borne by the company. However, such expenses may be realized from the fees of the directors at fault.
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Short Notes on Internship Program Report

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An internship report is prepared by a student under internship program and submitted to the supervisor. It is returned to the student with some comments and suggestions. After necessary modifications and alterations the internee submits the final report to the supervisor who puts his signature on the report and recommends for its evaluation by a board.

From an internship report the supervisor can learn about the nature of the activities of the internee, pattern of work in a particular organization and the nature of the people guiding his activities there.

Thus, internship progress report plays its role as a media of communication between two organizations— one providing internees and the other offering opportunities as trainer for the internees.
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Popularity/ Advantages of Savings Accounts

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Savings bank accounts are very popular among the general public because of the following advantages:
(a) A savings account can be opened with as little as Rs. 500 only. It helps the people of small means to save for their future.
(b) The balance lying in the savings bank earns some interest. The customer is benefited as his money grows with the bank.
(c) The money lying with the bank is quite safe. There is no fear of theft.
(d) The money can be withdrawn conveniently from the savings account.
(e) The customer gets the cheque book facility if his account is duly introduced by another account-holder and he keeps a minimum balance of $. 1000. It is quite easy to make payment to third parties by issuing cheques.
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Meaning of Unit banking

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The banking system in different countries varies substantially from one another. Broadly speaking, however, there are two important types of banking systems, viz., unit banking and branch banking.
‘Unit banking’ means a system of banking under which banking services are provided by a single banking organization. Such a bank has a single office or place of work. It has its own governing body or board of directors. 

‘Unit banking’ functions independently and is not controlled by any other individual, firm or body corporate. It also does not control any other bank. Such banks can become member of the clearing house and also of the Banker’s Association. Unit banking system originated and grew in the U.S.A. Different unit banks in the U.S.A. are linked with each other and with other financial centers in the country through “correspondent banks.”
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